Call For Papers

Call For Papers


The Second Ukrainian Natural Language Processing Workshop will be held online in conjunction with the EACL 2023 conference.


UNLP as is


The UNLP workshop focuses on advances in Ukrainian Natural Language Processing. The workshop aims to bring together leading academics, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics who work with the Ukrainian language or do cross-Slavic research that can be applied to the Ukrainian language.


The Ukrainian NLP community has only started forming in recent years, with most of the projects done by isolated groups of researchers. The UNLP workshop provides a platform for discussion and sharing of ideas, encourages collaboration between different research groups, and improves the visibility of the Ukrainian research community. The workshop facilitates the creation of shared standards and processing pipelines, as well as new industrial applications, joint research projects, and publications across different teams working on Ukrainian.


Topics of interest lie in the area of Ukrainian NLP and Computational Linguistics and include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:


  • morphosyntactic tagging,
  • named-entity recognition,
  • syntactic and semantic parsing,
  • coreference resolution,
  • information extraction and text mining,
  • automated question answering and information retrieval,
  • language modelling and natural language generation,
  • grammatical error correction,
  • text summarization,
  • machine translation,
  • sentiment analysis,
  • argument mining,
  • disinformation detection and fact verification,
  • development of language resources and evaluation methods,
  • speech recognition and generation,
  • knowledge representation and computational pragmatics,
  • computational semantics,
  • computational methods for phonology,
  • cross-Slavic models,
  • Ukrainian NLP in interaction with other artificial intelligence technologies.


Shared Task


The Second UNLP features the first Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction for Ukrainian. The Shared Task focuses on sentence-level correction of grammatical errors and disfluencies, and we see this shared task as an opportunity to facilitate research of GEC for Slavic languages.


You can find more details on the web page of the Shared Task.


Important dates


December 23, 2022 — First call for workshop papers

January 9, 2023 — Second call for workshop papers

February 20, 2023 — Workshop paper due (extended)

March 13, 2023 — Notification of acceptance

March 27, 2023 — Camera-ready papers due

May 5, 2023 — Workshop dates




UNLP invites submissions of completed and ongoing projects. Submissions describing resources or solutions that have been made available to the wider public are strongly encouraged. The workshop will also accept papers with negative results.


We invite two types of submissions: long and short papers. Long papers should describe original, unpublished and completed work. The short papers may describe work in progress, small focused contributions, system demonstrations, new linguistic resources, or experiments based on existing software and resources.


Overlap with previously published work should be clearly mentioned at the time of submission. The authors should indicate in their submission whether the paper has been submitted elsewhere, e.g., to the main conference. In particular, in case the paper has been rejected by the main conference, it should be indicated in the submission.


All submissions will be judged on correctness, novelty, technical strength, clarity of presentation, usability, and significance/relevance to the Workshop. Every submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee.


Paper review will be blind. The papers must not include the authors’ names and affiliations. Self-citations and other references that reveal the authors’ identity must be avoided.


Long papers should follow the two-column format of EACL 2023 proceedings not exceeding eight (8) pages of content plus two (2) pages for references. Short paper submissions should follow the same format, and should not exceed five (5) pages for content plus two (2) pages for references.


All submissions must conform to the official style guidelines of EACL 2023 contained in the style files and must be in PDF. Camera-ready versions of accepted papers must be provided both in LaTeX and PDF format.


The working language of UNLP is English. Submissions in any other language will be rejected without review.


Link for paper submission: